Did you know that emotions can be stored in the body?
Our bodies have an incredible capacity to hold and carry emotional experiences, creating a unique connection between our physical and emotional well-being. While this concept may seem abstract, it has gained significant recognition within the field of holistic healing and wellness.
Emotions can be described as energy in motion, and when not fully processed or released, they can become trapped within different areas of our body. These energetic imprints can cause disruptions in our overall balance and vitality. Acknowledging and understanding this mind-body connection is a crucial step in promoting inner harmony and promoting well-being.
Here are a few ways emotions are believed to be stored in the body:
1. Muscular Tension: Emotions such as stress, anger, or fear often manifest as increased muscle tension in specific areas. For example, anxiety may cause tightening in the chest area, while anger may lead to clenched fists or a tense jaw. By addressing and releasing these tensions, we can allow emotional energy to flow more freely.
2. Organs and Systems: According to traditional Eastern medicines like Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, specific emotions are associated with various organs or systems in our body. For instance, anger and frustration are often linked to the liver, while grief and sadness may affect the lungs. By addressing imbalances in these organs, we can support emotional release and overall well-being.
3. Breath and Energy Centers: Our breath plays a vital role in processing and releasing emotions. Deep, conscious breathing helps us connect with our emotions and release any stagnant energy. Additionally, various energy centers or chakras in our body are believed to hold emotional imprints. By focusing on these energy centers through practices like meditation or energy work, we can promote emotional healing.
It's important to remember that everybody's experiences and bodies are unique. While exploring the connection between emotions and the body, it is crucial to approach this topic with openness and curiosity. Seek guidance from qualified practitioners who can provide personalized insights and offer effective techniques to address emotional blockages.
At Body Mind Magic Australia, we believe in fostering emotional well-being through a holistic approach.
Our range of services include Psychosomatic Body Mind Analysis, Face Reading, Emotional Release bodywork, Reiki and essential oils, specifically Young Living essential oils, can be valuable tools to support emotional release and balance.
Stay tuned for more exciting information on how to tap into the power of essential oils in our upcoming classes and workshops.
Remember, your emotional well-being matters, and by exploring the connection between emotions and the body, you can embark on a transformative journey towards inner harmony and vitality.

Breathwork is a powerful practice that harnesses the power of the breath to enhance well-being and unlock our true potential. It is an ancient practice found in various cultures around the world and has been gaining popularity in recent years.
During a breathwork session, specific breathing techniques are used to tap into the body's natural healing abilities. By consciously altering the breath pattern, we can bring about a range of benefits, including relaxation, stress reduction, increased clarity and focus, emotional release, and improved energy flow.
One of the most remarkable aspects of breathwork is its ability to facilitate deep healing on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. By regulating the breath, we can influence the autonomic nervous system and activate our body's natural relaxation response, which can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, and chronic stress.
Moreover, breathwork can also assist in releasing stored emotions and trauma that may be held in the body. By engaging in conscious, connected breathing, we can gently release and process past experiences, leading to a sense of renewal, liberation, and emotional well-being.
Incorporating breathwork into your daily routine or attending a guided session can offer numerous benefits for overall wellness. Essential oils are a useful tool to enhance the breathwork experience, allowing you to deepen your practice and amplify the benefits.
Whether you are new to breathwork or a seasoned practitioner, harnessing the power of the breath with essential oils can truly elevate your experience and support your wellness journey.

Breathwork is a powerful practice that can have numerous benefits for our overall well-being. Here are some of the incredible advantages of incorporating breathwork into your daily routine:
1. Stress Relief: Deep breathing techniques used in breathwork activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting a relaxation response and reducing stress levels. It helps to calm the mind, release tension, and alleviate anxiety.
2. Enhanced Energy and Vitality: Conscious breathing techniques can effectively increase your oxygen intake, promoting better circulation and delivering more nutrients and energy to your cells. This can result in improved energy levels, mental clarity, and overall vitality throughout the day.
3. Emotional Healing: Breathwork can be a transformative tool in releasing emotional blockages and trauma stored in the body. By consciously breathing, you create space to explore and process emotions, promoting emotional healing and allowing for personal growth and transformation.
4. Improved Focus and Clarity: Breathwork techniques can help increase concentration and mental focus by bringing awareness to the present moment. It helps to quiet the mind, improve cognitive function, and enhance overall clarity of thoughts.
5. Boosted Immune System: Deep breathing stimulates the lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing toxins from the body. By practicing breathwork regularly, you can support your immune system, strengthen your body's natural defense mechanisms, and promote overall wellness.
6. Better Sleep: Breathwork before bedtime can help calm the mind, relax the body, and promote deep relaxation. By incorporating breathwork into your nighttime routine, you can improve the quality of your sleep, enhance relaxation, and wake up feeling more rejuvenated.
7. Emotional Regulation: Breathwork techniques enable you to tap into your body's natural ability to self-regulate emotions. By consciously breathing, you can bring yourself back to a state of balance, allowing you to respond to challenging situations with more calmness, patience, and emotional stability.
8. Increased Mindfulness: Breathwork is a form of mindfulness practice that cultivates present-moment awareness. By focusing on the breath, you can bring yourself into the present moment, reduce mental chatter, and experience a deeper sense of peace and equanimity.
Incorporating breathwork into your daily routine can unlock a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional benefits. It is a simple yet profound practice that can support your overall well-being and help you live a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Learning the lingo your teenager uses is one of the ways that can broach communication between parents and teenagers.
Remember the words we use to use when we were teenagers like gnarly, rad, skeg just to name a couple, I will need to have a bit more of a think to come up with some more, it has been a while since I was a teenager;)
I know that I have been completely out of the loop with today's teenage lingo. So much so it is like my kids are talking a completely different language. So I get my teenagers to teach me their lingo, which helps me communicate better with them.
- It helped build our relationship.
- Gave her an opportunity to teach me something and we were connecting on her level.
- Also, it meant I could understand what she was talking about! LOL!

Now what I am going to say may not be agreeable to you, but it was a way that helped to connect my daughter and I, even though initially I thought it was extremely disrespectful and I was dead against it!
Mate, I would never have dared to do this to my mum. But the more she knew I opposed it, the more she did it! So going back to one of the first steps we talked about when you're in complete overwhelm was - pick your battles. This was one of those battles that I changed into an alliance, and it worked for me.
Okay, here it is. When she would address me she would say, "Hey bitch."
She would say it in a fun-loving, joking kinda way. Not aggressive or demeaning at all. But the mere fact she would even think that was okay made me not very happy.
Anywho, so instead of getting mad with her, I decided to pick my battles and use this as an ally, and this is what happened.
She shocked her friends when they heard her say that to me. They would tell her that she couldn't talk to her mum like that.
This made me giggle, peers are so important to teens, so the peer group was telling her what was appropriate, not her mum.
She had me on speakerphone when she called me one day and they heard me say, "Hey bitch."
They nearly choked on their McDonalds. They couldn't believe what they were hearing.
"No, your mum didn't just say that to you?" It was hilarious.

So this became our thing. In fact, she stopped using it as much as she was I guess it kinda desensitized the phrase and it gave us a platform to communicate.
I was picking my battles and not getting stressed or frustrated over something like this. A win, win I would say;) It is very rewarding to know that a strategy you implement to improve communication between parents and teenagers actually works!
If you're a mum with challenging teens who needs some helpful tips and tricks to navigate this bumpy road you can check out my free Facebook community called Supportive & Balanced Mums with Challenging Teenagers.
Oh by the way, if you would like a free guide on how to Create Balance for Overwhelmed Mums with Challenging Teens you can CLICK HERE.
Thanks for reading
See you again soon.
Parenting teenagers takes nerves of steel and the ability to always stay two steps ahead at all times.

But what happens when the attitude, behaviour, fighting to maintain boundaries, the constant battle of setting consequences, and making sure they are followed through all becomes too much?
Any parent with teenagers will tell you that your sweet, adorable child turns into some horrid, gremlin-like creature, that you don't recognise.
But all jokes aside, what do you do when the tank is empty?
The answer is, you need to build your capacity.
What is capacity?
Capacity in relation to parenting is your inner strength and resilience to whatever is thrown at you during this part of your parenting journey. Kind of like water off a duck's back so to speak.
Why is building your capacity important?
It is important for your own sanity!
It is important for your mental and physical health and the health and wellbeing of your teenager and the rest of the family.
Surviving day to day is no fun! You need to be able to live and be as happy and as well-balanced as possible.
Building your capacity will help you achieve this.
How do I build my capacity?
I thought you would never ask.
There are three key areas (steps) in building your capacity.
- Self-care
- Knowledge
- Strategies
Put all these three together and pronto - you are building your capacity!
You will find that these 3 key areas will overlap, that is all good!

I cannot express the importance of this enough! If you want to make it out of parenting challenging teenagers alive then you need to ensure you are looking after your mental, physical and spiritual health.
Have you heard the saying, "Who cares for the carers?"
Guess what? The carers need to care for themselves, end of story!
Looking after yourself can look like many different things to each of us, but the bottom line is, you need to have time for yourself. Time to relax, recuperate, and recharge your batteries. Let's call these the 3 R's.
Many may argue that they have limited time to do this, of course, every situation is different, it may mean you start with a small block of time and build from there.
- Get some knowledge in and around the developmental milestones your teenager is experiencing.
- Learn about the issues that teens face at school and in the community.
- Learn about avenues of help and support that are available to teenagers and their families.
This will help you know where you can find help when and if you need it. This is the beginning of your support network. Remember, raising challenging teenagers can take a village. So let's start assembling that village.
These are ways you are going to navigate your path through this maze.
You need to line your strategies up in a row and try them out.
The biggest set of strategies I had to come up with were in relation to behaviour management.
Remember when I mentioned earlier in this post you need to stay two steps ahead at all times...yep this is where this comes into play.
This famous Einstein quote rings true, especially in this situation, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results."
Oh, the times I would exhaust myself by implementing boundaries and consequences that were clearly not working!
The one thing I have learned is that this generation of kids requires us to think outside the box.
I was raised and disciplined in the authoritarian parenting style, but this doesn't work for my teenagers. I had to change tack, regroup, and apply different strategies.
Another strategy could be focusing on building your relationship with your teenager. Find out who their friends are. What do they like to do? What is something you could do together? Listen to your teenager. They can talk in morse code sometimes, but what they are saying does matter to them and they need to know it matters to you as well.
For more information, tips, and guidance on how to start building your capacity, you can join my Facebook group Supportive and Balanced Mums with Challenging Teenagers.